What is QR code? - SSTTEK Academy

What is QR code?

QR Code (Quick Response Code)

A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode that provides quick and easy access to information. QR codes can be scanned by smartphones and other devices to link to websites, apps, or other digital content. 

How QR Code Works? 

QR Codes are scanned using a camera on a smartphone or other device equipped with a QR code reader. The reader interprets the black and white pattern of the QR code, which is encoded using a specific algorithm to convert it back into readable information. This information can then be a URL, text, or other data. 

Types of QR Codes 

  • Static QR Codes: Contain fixed information that cannot be changed once created. 
  • Dynamic QR Codes: Allow the encoded information to be updated without changing the QR code itself. 

Where QR Codes are Used? 

QR Codes are widely used in marketing and advertising to link consumers to websites or promotions, on product packaging to provide detailed information or offers, in event management for ticketing and access control, in payments for mobile wallet transactions, and in education to give students quick access to online resources. 

SSTTEK Academy
SSTTEK Academy

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