What is Node.js  - SSTTEK Academy


Node.js is an environment used for running JavaScript. It enables JavaScript use in browsers and for developing server-side applications. Node.js is based on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and is used to create fast, efficient, and scalable server-side applications. 

The key features of Node.js are as follows: 

Asynchronous and Event-Driven: Node.js has an asynchronous and event-driven architecture. This allows processes to occur asynchronously and ensures more efficient operation of server-side code. 

Fast and Efficient: Node.js is based on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, making it fast. This makes it ideal for developing high-performance server-side applications. 

Modular and Extensible: Node.js has a wide range of modules and a package ecosystem. Through npm (Node Package Manager), thousands of third-party modules are accessible and can be easily integrated into projects. 

Cross-Platform Support: Node.js can run on various operating systems (such as Windows, macOS, Linux). This allows developers to create applications on different platforms. 

Development in a Single Language: Node.js allows developers to write both client-side (browser) and server-side (Node.js) code in JavaScript. This enables developers to manage both client and server-side processes in the same language. 

Node.js is a popular technology used in areas such as web servers, APIs, microservices, data processing applications, and the Internet of Things (IoT). 

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