What is MVC - SSTTEK Academy


MVC (Model-View-Controller), an architectural design pattern for software, breaks down an application’s components into three fundamental parts and describes their functions: 

Model: The Model represents the part of the application that deals with data processing and business logic. This can include database interaction, data processing, validation, and implementation of business rules. The Model is responsible for representing, storing, and processing data. 

View: The View represents the user interface (UI). This is the section where the user interacts with the application. Views are used to display data to users and to receive input from users. Views are often created using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

Controller: The Controller plays a role in bridging the Model and the View. It handles user requests, updates the model when necessary, and updates the user interface by passing results to the View. Controllers can be thought of as entry points for the application and direct requests. 

The MVC model makes each component of the application logically separate and independent, thus enhancing code maintenance, reusability, and scalability. This structure makes large-scale applications more organized and manageable. Additionally, it facilitates collaboration among teams with different expertise because each component has a different area of responsibility. 

SSTTEK Academy
SSTTEK Academy