What is Figma - SSTTEK Academy


Figma is a cloud-based design tool widely used for designing user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX). It is accessible via web browsers and is a cross-platform application (Windows, macOS, Linux). 

Key features of Figma include: 

  • User Interface Design: Figma has a modern and user-friendly interface, providing UI/UX designers with the ability to create interactive and aesthetic designs. 
  • Collaboration Capabilities: Figma enables real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously, with changes reflecting instantly for other users. 
  • Prototyping: Figma allows designs to be prototyped, visualizing how designs will function and enabling usability testing. 
  • Design System and Components: Figma facilitates the creation of design systems and reusable components, ensuring consistency in large-scale projects and saving time. 
  • Plugin Support: Figma has a wide range of plugins that can enhance and extend the design process. 

Figma is a powerful and user-friendly design tool that enables effective collaboration among design teams. Designers, product managers, developers, and other stakeholders can easily manage and collaborate on projects using Figma. 

SSTTEK Academy
SSTTEK Academy