What is Conditional Statements  - SSTTEK Academy

Conditional Statements 

Conditional statements are structures in programming, which allow a block of code to run only if certain conditions are met. It makes your code more flexible and dynamic. 

Conditional statements are used to evaluate multiple options and perform different actions accordingly. For example, if a user’s age is greater than 18, you can show them adult content, or if they are younger than 18, you can show them child-friendly content. 

Conditional statements can be used with different keywords and syntax in various programming languages. The most common conditional statements are: 

If: Checks if a condition is true. If the condition is true, the specified block of code is executed. 

Else: Specifies the block of code to be executed if the condition is false. 

Else If: Checks multiple conditions, executing different blocks of code for each condition. 

Switch: Compares multiple values and executes a block of code for each matching value. 

Examples of using conditional statements: 

  • Checking user input: To verify if the information entered by a user is valid. 
  • In games and simulations: To control different game scenarios and character behaviors. 
  • In databases: To filter and sort data. 
  • On websites: To display different content based on user interactions. 

Conditional statements are a fundamental concept in programming and can be used in various applications. 

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SSTTEK Academy