What is Agile  - SSTTEK Academy


Agile is a project management methodology used in software development processes. This methodology adopts a flexible and lean approach, making the software development process more flexible, fast, and customer-focused. 

Unlike traditional project management methodologies, Agile quickly adapts to changes and customer feedback. Continuous improvement and flexibility are among its core principles. 

The key features and principles of Agile include: 

  • Iterative and Incremental Development: Agile breaks down software into small pieces and develops each piece in a development cycle (iteration). At the end of each iteration, incremental functionality is added. 
  • Customer Focus: Agile places great importance on customer feedback and shapes the software development process according to customer requirements. Continuous customer feedback is used to develop the software to meet customer expectations. 
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile quickly adapts to changing requirements and conditions. Plans, requirements, and priorities are flexible and open to change. 
  • Team Collaboration: Agile encourages close collaboration among team members. Team members work together to solve problems, make decisions, and achieve goals. 
  • Continuous Improvement: Agile promotes continuous improvement. The team analyzes feedback at the end of each iteration, reviews processes, and makes improvements to make them better. 

Agile makes the software development process more flexible, efficient, and customer-focused, leading to the creation of more successful projects and products. Therefore, it is widely used in many software development projects.

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SSTTEK Academy