About Us - Academy

About Us

The starting point of SSTTEK Academy is to provide software education and to bring well-equipped software developers to the industry. But the Academy’s vision goes beyond raising young software developers. ​

SSTTEK Academy does not only train young software developers; it also aims to improve the technological knowledge of people from the sector and to keep experienced people in the world of technology up-to-date.

SSTTEK Academy doesn’t limit its education to software education as it offers know-how about modern technologies and sectoral transformations.​

Our Objectives

SSTTEK Academy aims to add value to the global employment sector through sustained training and instilling best practices. We promote the key principles that are essential to implementing technical excellence, such as:

Continuous learning

Continuous improvement

Continuous excellence

SSTTEK Academy helps the workforce meet the needs of a fast-evolving, dynamic global market, as it trains individuals in software development, resource planning, engineering, e-commerce, logistics, research and operations.

We continuously foster the key traits of technical excellence as identified by Agile practitioners and apply it to all areas: