What is Software Testing - SSTTEK Academy

Software Testing

Software testing is a process conducted to ensure that software functions correctly, fulfills expected functionalities, and meets user needs. The purpose of software testing is to identify errors in the software, correct them, and improve its quality.  

The main components of software testing are as follows: 

Test Planning: Creating necessary plans to manage the test process. This includes defining test objectives, preparing test scenarios, and planning test resources. 

Test Design: Creating test scenarios and test cases. This involves designing tests that cover different components, functions, and usage scenarios of the software. 

Test Execution: Implementing designed test scenarios on the software and recording test results. During this stage, testing of different components, modules, and systems of the software is carried out. 

Test Evaluation and Reporting: Evaluating and reporting test results. This includes identifying and prioritizing discovered errors, generating error reports, and using metrics to assess the success of tests and the quality of the software. 

The purpose of software testing is to ensure that the software operates flawlessly and reliably, meeting the expectations of end-users. Therefore, the testing phase, which is a significant part of the software development process, plays a vital role in improving software quality and ensuring customer satisfaction. 

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