What is Rest API  - SSTTEK Academy

Rest API 

REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface), modern web applications use a type of web service. REST is fundamentally an architectural style used in web-based communication and defines access to resources and operations using the HTTP protocol. 

The basic principles of REST API are: 

Resources: Each resource is represented by a singular URI (Unified Resource Identifier). For example, a user’s profile can be represented by a URI like “/users”. 

HTTP Methods: Operations on resources are performed using the basic methods of the HTTP protocol (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). GET is used to retrieve a resource, POST to create a new resource, PUT to update an existing resource, and DELETE to delete a resource. 

Server Neutrality: Clients should be able to access resources without knowledge about servers. This ensures independence between clients and servers. 

Statelessness: Each request is made without maintaining any state on the server. Each request contains its information, and the server does not store any state between requests. 

Representation: Resources can be represented in different formats (JSON, XML, HTML, etc.). Clients can specify the representation format they desire. 

REST APIs are commonly used for data exchange and interaction between web applications. Particularly, modern single-page applications (SPAs) and mobile applications communicate with servers using REST APIs. REST provides a simple, flexible, and scalable structure, making it a popular choice among web developers. 

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SSTTEK Academy