What is Function  - SSTTEK Academy


A function is a named block of code that performs a specific task or defines a particular operation. Functions make programs modular, comprehensible manageable, and reusable. 

A function usually includes the following components: 

Name: The identifier of the function, used to call the function. 

Parameters: Optional variables that the function needs to operate. Functions can accept data from outside through parameters. 

Body: The block of code that performs the function’s task. This code runs when the function is called. 

Return Value: Optionally, the value that the function returns to the calling code. A function may return a single value, multiple values, or no value at all. 

Once a function is defined, it can be called anywhere in the program. Calling a function triggers the execution of the code block within the function’s body. During the call, necessary parameters are specified, and the function operates with these parameters. 

Functions enable a program to perform specific tasks or operations. Examples include performing mathematical calculations, processing a dataset, reading data from a file, or updating a user interface. 

Functions help organize programs into more modular and orderly structures. They also enhance code reusability because instead of rewriting the same block of code multiple times, you can define a function and call it as many times as needed. 

SSTTEK Academy
SSTTEK Academy